der engagierte Fotograf Roland, die Sonne brannte schon tüchtig um 10.00 aber das Licht spielte zu dieser Zeit mit und die entstandenen Fotos sind recht kontrastreich. Ein wunderschöner Community Garden!
Started in 2007, Phoenix Farm provides a learning resource for the school, local community groups and offers volunteering opportunities for local residents. Comprising two glasshouses and a series of beds, the farm produces fruit and vegetables of all descriptions, together with medicinal herbs, plants to attract wildlife, and edible flowers.
Hammersmith Community Gardens Association helps to manage the project on behalf of Phoenix High School. This acre of space in the centre of the White City Estate provides opportunities for local residents to do some hands-on gardening and does so very successfully – the farm continues to win awards each year.
In addition to over 40 varieties of vegetables and herbs, there is a community orchard, soft fruits and wildlife areas, as well as bees, rabbits and chickens. The annual harvest festival attracted over 500 people, who were able to see a demonstration of apple pressing from Abundance London, try lots of farm-related activities and sample home-grown food.
The farm is 15 minutes‘ walk from our other site in Ravenscourt Park.
Community Food Grower: Cath Knight //